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Journal Tekhnichna elektrodynamika
Publisher Institute of Electrodynamics National Academy of Science of Ukraine
ISSN 1607-7970 (print), 2218-1903 (online)
Issue № 2, 2014 (March/April)
Pages 73 – 77


A.O.Lozynskyi, Ja.S.Paranchuk, L.I.Demkiv
National University "Lviv Polytechnic",
str. S. Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine,
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For electrodes movement system of arc furnace impact of nonlinearities on the system is analyzed. Fuzzy controller, which provides a quick pass of the system to steady state at the absence of fluctuations in the output systemТs coordinate, is synthesized. To reduce a complexity of the rule base, a natural fuzzy controller is used. To synthesis the fuzzy controller systemТs motion trajectory is divided into two zones: large and small deviations of arc length from initial value. Corresponding linguistic variables have membership function of S-type and Z-type respectively. To compensate the perturbation a control law based on arc voltage deviation from the set value is suggested. It is shown that the use of system which is linearized in the single point of space of state for the synthesis of control actions does not allow classical methods of synthesizing the optimal control for the full range of coordinate changes and disturbances of ASC. The approach to system construction which provides disturbances of various sizes rejection with the necessary speed and without overshoot is proposed. At this, intermediate systemТs coordinates are within acceptable limits and ACS is physically realized. References 10, figures 7.


Key words: electrodynamic system, automatic control system, arc furnace, fuzzy logic, fuzzy controller.


Received:    05.02.2013
Accepted:    15.07.2013
Published:   25.02.2014



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