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1996 № 1


Electrodynamics of electrical power devices

ShidlovskiiA.K., Rosov V.Iu. Automatic compensation systems of external magnetic fields for

energy saturated objects________________________________________________________________ 3

PodoltsevA.D., Kucheriavaia I.N. Pulse magnetic field 3D -simulation in conductive medium with

the combined method_________________________________________________________________ 10

Lupikov V.S. A magnetic dipole and a maximal strengt ofitsmultipoles____________________________ 14

Conversion of electric energy parameters

Sinchuk O.N., Afanas'ev E. V., Afanas'eva M. G. Methodology of creating a circuitry decision architecture

of pulse controle systems for the traction electric drive in combined retardation modes_______________ 18

Kostuclienko N.B. The principal relations for power exchange between two capacitance elements_______23

Brzhezitskii Vu4., Ho Van N'at Chyong. To the calculation of commutative voltage pulse parameters_____ 28

Electromechanical energy conversion

Gentkovski Z. A three-phase asynchronous generator with transistor reactive power source___________ 31

Vakulenko K.N., Do Nguen Hyng Mode optimisation of a double-fed machine with frequency control_____ 36

Pentegovl. V., RymarS. V. A calculation method of transformer exiting current for using in the

automated design engineering___________________________________________________________ 39

LazarevV.L, SorokaM.V. Critical loads of conductor lying-down in transformer windings. Windings

made from transposed PTB-type wire______________________________________________________ 45

Electrical power systems and installations

Titko A.I., Shalomygin M.V., Babiak AA. Regressive dependences for turbogenerator monitoring

intteligence systems____________________________________________________________________ 49

KoliandrlA., Rozhdestvenskii C.B., KrehnoA.A. The recuperative traction substation_________________ 53

Pisanko V.V., Osadchii V.V., Mendosa Plata A., Hoballah N. The software and hardware complex

for microprocessor-based control systems setting-up ________________________________________ 58

Electrical and magnetic measurements

KononenkoA.G., MasurenkoIuA.., NizhenskiiA.D., OrnatskiilA., SidorchukV.E. The optimized

phase-to-code converter for precision phase light range finde r____________________________________ 61

Sebko V.P., ChepikovV.V., NikitinaIa.S. The contactless check errors of a conductive cylindrical

item diameter __________________________________________________________________________ 64

Dunets B. V. Design method generalisation of measuring functional converters with multilevel

error correction ________________________________________________________________________ 68

Scientific and technical information

IurchenkoN.N., LebedevA.V., GritsenkoN.P. Powerful transistor power source for electrical technology ___ 73

VoitenkoA.E. Increasing power of an electrical pulse under current commutation in an inductive energy

storage with an electrical-explosion opening switch ___________________________________________ 74

CSD multy sealing system offers optimized fire resistance and flexibility ______________________________ 76

Chronicle, information

In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Igor V.Volkov, Associate Member of the National

Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ___________________________________________________________ 77

In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Boris S.Stognii, Academician of the National Academy

of Sciences of Ukraine ___________________________________________________________________ 79

Information for authors_____________________________________________________________________ 80