About the Journal


In 1979, the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR decided to start publishing the journal "Technical Electrodynamics" on the basis of the Institute of Electrodynamics. Already on October 1 of that year, the first issue of the magazine was signed for publication, which opened with a "Word to the readers" and a concept article by the editor-in-chief. By the end of the year, two issues of the magazine were published, and then six issues were published annually without delays and failures.

The magazine "Tekhnicheskaia Elektrodynamika/Technical Electrodynamics" (ISSN 0204-3599) gained popularity and became known not only in Ukraine but also abroad. Since 1996, it has been published under the title "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika/Technical Electrodynamics " (ISSN 1607-7970 (print), 2218-1903 (on-line)).

The rapid and confident formation of our scientific and applied journal, its recognition by a wide range of scientific community owes much to the fruitful experience of the Institute of Electrodynamics in preparing and systematically publishing thematic collections of scientific problems "Problems of Technical Electrodynamics". The growth of the authority and popularity of the journal was greatly facilitated by the work of the editorial board of many well-known scientists, electricians and power engineers.

The journal covers the results of research by scientists on a wide range of issues, it has both theoretical and general, as well as applied direction, including information on the most interesting practical developments and their implementation in practice.

The journal has never been a "home publication" for the staff of the Institute of Electrodynamics - the journal's columns have been widely provided and are provided to scientists of other Ukrainian institutions, as well as to foreign scientists.

The journal was and remains a "testing ground" for approbation of materials of candidate and doctoral dissertations: in 2018 the journal "Technical Electrodynamics" passed the planned re-registration and was included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in technical sciences to the highest category "A" according to MES Order № 527 of May 24, 2018.

Over the years, the journal has changed its appearance several times, but diligence in selecting material, hard work with authors, willingness to accept and publish everything that will increase new productive scientific knowledge remained unchanged.

Constantly studying the experience of the world's leading publishers, the magazine introduces new forms and content of work with authors, reviewers, readers. The dynamic development of the journal has not gone unnoticed by many world resources for indexing scientific periodicals, so it is presented in a number of international databases and abstracting systems.

Frequency of publication – once every two months, manuscripts are accepted in Ukrainian and English. All articles are subject to review and editing.

The purpose of the journal is to disseminate rapidly emerging new scientific knowledge, to present a forum for discussing and testing methods for modeling, calculating, experimentally testing and developing new electrical devices and systems with improved technical and economic performance and to facilitate their implementation. That is why in articles published in the journal, the emphasis is on both scientific novelty and practical value. Extensive cooperation of the founders of the journal with research institutes and educational centers makes it possible to review articles by leading experts and to involve in the publication of advanced research results.

Journal headings – the journal publishes original research results in the following fields: theoretical electrical engineering and electrophysics; conversion of electricity parameters; electromechanical energy conversion; electric power systems and equipment; electrotechnical and electrotechnological devices and complexes; information and measuring systems in the power industry.

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Technical Electrodynamics Magazine is an open access journal. All articles are free to access, read and download.

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