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parametrical loading
the equation of Rikkarti параметрическая нагрузка
переходный процесс
уравнение Риккарти

How to Cite

Шидловская, Н. and Захарченко, С. 2014. TRANSIENTS IN RLC-CIRCUITS WITH A PARAMETRIC LOADING. Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika. 2 (Feb. 2014), 003.


The results of the solution of the differential equation which presenting transients in a serial RLC-circuits resistance of its active element is presented by the sum exponential dependences on a time are given. Conditions at which the input equation can be transformed to the equation of Rikkarti are discovered. It is shown a basic possibility of deriving of an exact solution of such equation at certain relations between values of its factors. References 6, figures 3.

ARTICLE_1_PDF (Українська)


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