
SciVerse Scopus. Since 2012, the journal "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika" has been indexed in the international reference scientometrics database of the scientific periodicals SciVerse Scopus. The SciVerse Scopus research performance monitoring tools help to evaluate the performance of scientists and are used as criteria for evaluating the performance of scientific and higher education institutions.

Scientometric indicators of the journal "Technical Electrodynamics" for  2020:  
 H-індекс ,   квартіль
;        SJR ,       SNIP ;            IPP  

Ulrich's Web Global Serials Directory is electronic international catalog of periodicals. Since 2010, the journal "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika" is included in the catalog.

Engineering Village. Since 2012, the journal "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika" has been included in the Compendex® scientific and technical reference database, which covers 14 million articles in 190 disciplines and is a part of the common online platform of scientific and technical information Engineering Village.

EBSCO Publishing, Inc.; EBSCOhost databases.

In 2013, the Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine signed a License Agreement with EBSCO Publishing, Inc. (USA) for distribution of content of publications of the journal "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika". The journal is included in the full-text EBSCOhost database owned by EBSCO Publishing, Inc. 

In 2013, the Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine signed a License Agreement with ProQuest. “Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika” journal is available in ProQuest information retrieval system.

Since 2016 all journal articles have a DOI with a prefix of 10.15407/techned - agency CROSSREF.

 Google Scholar is a free retrieval system that indexes the full text of scientific publication of all formats and disciplines. The Google Scholar Index includes most of the peer-reviewed journals of the largest scientific publishers in Europe and America.

Index Copernicus. The ICI Journals Master List is a global database of scientific journals where journals from around the world can be registered. In this database, each editorial office receives free access to the system, which allows you to keep a passport of the magazine - a modern business card of the magazine on the Internet. The editorial board has been posting metadata and full content of articles in the ICI Journals Master List database since 2019.

DOAJ - starting from January 2021, the journal "Technical Electrodynamics" is included in the DOAJ database. Benefits of supplying DOAJ metadata: more than 900,000 page views and 300,000 monthly visits to DOAJ from around the world; Many aggregators, databases, libraries, publishers, and search portals collect metadata and include it in their products. Examples are Scopus, Serial Solutions and EBSCO; DOAJ meets the requirements of OAI (Open Archives, which support the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting - OAI-PMH), as well as OpenURL (a standardized format used by many libraries around the world); DOAJ is often cited as a source of quality open access journals in scientific and scholarly publishing circles.

 The Ukrainian abstract journal "Dzherelo". The journal "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika" is presented in the Ukrainian abstract journal "Dzherelo" (Ukraine). Materials of the journal "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika" are published in the corresponding thematic series of the abstract journal "Dzherelo".

Ukrainika Naukova
The Journal "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika" is presented in the national abstract database "Ukrainika Naukova" (Ukraine) - V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The archive of the journal "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika" is presented in the full text database "Scientific periodicals of Ukraine" since 2009.

Crossref metadata uses a variety of databases, search services, projects, and libraries. The Journal "Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika" is indexed in some of them

Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) is a retrieval system and scientific citation database that comes from all publishers that use the Cited-by service from Crossref and support the Initiative for Open Citations.

Dimensions is a Company Digital Science's platform that combines citation databases, search and analytics tools, and full text access. The free version of the search interface allows searching across all metadata by keywords and refining the results by different parameters: author, publication title, publisher title, and more. The platform's tools allow you to track all citations of articles of the journal "Technical electrodynamics" on the base, alternative metrics, recent citations, as well as indicators, weighted by area of knowledge (RCR, FCR). is an open platform that combines information on patents and scientific publications (articles, conference proceedings, etc.). You can search for scientific publications using more than 20 search boxes and filters. The platform also has a citation tracking tool that displays the number of citations separately in patents and scientific papers. In platform you can also search in Ukrainian.