The paper presents an exploration of the neutral point current without PWM harmonics in a three-level single phase NPC converter. The analysis is based on the switching states and the Space vector PWM concepts. An analytical equation for neutral point current without PWM harmonics is obtained. The equation allows to analyze the low frequency harmonics of the current. The work is carried out under the State contract No. 13.G36.31.0010 dated as of October 22, 2010. References 2, table 1, figures 2.
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Brovanov S.V., Kharitonov S.A., Dybko M.A., Grishanov E.V. A New Approach for Current Calculation in a Single-phase Three-level NPC Converter With Space Vector PWM // International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Sibircon-2010. Volume II. Irkutsk Listvyanka, Russia, July, 2010. Pp. 639-644.

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