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ac bridge
conductance-measuring method
common-mode interference мост переменного тока
кондуктометрический метод
синфазная помеха

How to Cite

Мельник, В., Онищенко, И., Рубанчук, М. and Слицкий, А. 2015. DIFFERENTIAL CONDUCTOMETRIC SYSTEM WITH IMPROVED SUPPRESSION OF COMMON-MODE INTERFERENCES. Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika. 2 (Mar. 2015), 075.


The structure of the secondary converter based on AC-bridge for differential sensor, the vector models of its functioning and the ways to adaptively install a quasi-equilibrium state in which the theoretically possible full mutual compensation of common-mode interference signals from the changes of background of conductivity of the buffer solution, even under non-identical conductometric transducers forming a differential pair are discussed. The mathematical expressions for the calculation of diagnostic parameters of a sensor and the necessary parameters of quasi-equilibrium of a bridge are given. References 15, figures 3.

ARTICLE_10_PDF (Українська)


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