Manuscripts are sent to the editorial office directly by the authors. The Editors reserve the right to refuse consideration of manuscripts submitted by a third party and not by the authors themselves.

In order to be able to submit articles to the journal and check the current status of your materials, you must register on the journal's website or log in as a registered user. 

In connection with the occurrence of objective circumstances, namely the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the Editors of the journal announce the introduction of payment for the publication of articles in the journal "Technical Electrodynamics" from January 1, 2023 (in accordance with the Regulations on the Procedure for the Provision of Paid Services by the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine dated February 20, 2020 No. 7аг).

Terms of payment for authors from Ukraine the cost of publishing the article is UAH 150.00. per page designed in accordance with the Requirements of the journal.

For foreign authors the cost of publishing an article is 10 Euros per page designed in accordance with the journal's Requirements.

In exchange for partial compensation, articles are placed in the open access - Archive.

The Agreement for the provision of services for the publication of the article or the Invoice is sent to the authors after the final decision on the publication is made.

After making the payment, it is necessary to send the signed Agreement and a copy of the payment receipt (in electronic form) to the editorial address


Unpublished articles containing the results of fundamental theoretical developments and the most significant applied research are accepted for publication. Articles are accepted in Ukrainian and English in * .doc format and are subject to mandatory review.

The following is attached to the manuscripts license agreement for the use of the work: transfer of copyright to the publication of an article in the journal (license agreement form PDF).

Submission of the manuscript

The manuscript of the article is submitted electronically through the electronic edition after registration  on the website of the journal. During registration, all fields with an asterisk must be filled in: first and last name, place of work (indicate in full in Ukrainian and English), country, e-mail address, username (in Latin letters), password, password reset. It is obligatory to enter data about all authors in Ukrainian and English: first and last name, place of work (the name of the institution must be indicated in full without abbreviations), ORCID (in Latin letters in the reference format, for example, -0000-000X). The sequence of authors must correspond to the sequence in the manuscript. The title of the article file must be in Latin letters <last name of the first author_full>.

Article template

If you have technical problems, you can send the manuscript to the e-mail address of the magazine

Requirements for the design of the article

  1. At the beginning of the article, in two languages - Ukrainian and English the following information is presented:

– UDC code, first and last name(s) of the author(s) and ORCID of each author. Particular attention should be paid to the correct spelling of first and last name in English;

– official name of the institution, full postal address;

– e-mail of the author(s);

– title of the article;

 – abstract of 1800-2000 characters, which should reflect the consistent logic of presenting the results, describe the main purpose of the study and summarize the most significant results. The abstract should be meaningful, do not repeat the title of the article, do not contain general phrases, do not duplicate the section "Conclusions", and briefly reflect the content of the article;

– keywords – no more than 8 words.

  1. The text of the article in the original language.

The total volume of the manuscript is up to 10 pages, the number of drawings is up to 10, including a, b, etc., line spacing is 1.0.

The text of the manuscript should be structured by sections:

introduction – to outline the problem statement, the relevance of the chosen topic, analysis of recent research and publications, the purpose and objectives of the work;

presentation of the main material of the study and its main results – to provide the obtained scientific facts, methods of obtaining and analysis of factual material;

conclusions – to give the results of work, scientific novelty and prospects of further research in this direction;

funding of work – information on the source of funding for work, grants and any other financial support for research, it is necessary to use only the full names of research institutions and sponsoring organizations;

gratitude – provides general information on any assistance in conducting research and preparation of the article;

references in two languages - Ukrainian and English.

Article text. To type text, use the MS Word editor (* .dos), font – Times New Roman 11 pt one space at a time on A4 paper, margins top, bottom, left – 2.5 cm, right – 1.5 cm, width alignment, automatic hyphenation, first line – indent 1.25 cm Article title – font 11 pt, bold, capital letters, centered. The article is made without footers and page numbering.

Formulas must be typed in Equation or MathType formula editors as separate objects. Font – Times New Roman 11 pt, center alignment, numbering – in parentheses, right. It is not allowed to present the formula and its number in the form of a table. Symbols in formulas and text must have the same image. It is not recommended to place Microsoft Equation objects in the text of the article.

Physical, chemical, technical and mathematical terms, units of physical quantities and symbols must be generally accepted. Reductions in units of physical quantities must meet the requirements of the International System of Units (SI).

Figures are made in BMP, JPG (300 dpi) formats without subscript captions and are inserted into the text as a "drawing". Text font in pictures – Times New Roman 10 pt. It is recommended to place small drawings with text wrapping. Landscape orientation is not allowed. Explanations of the curves in the figures should be given in the text after the corresponding figure. Submit drawings in the text after the first reference to them with the number.

Photos are printed only when absolutely necessary.

Tables should be designed using the MS Word spreadsheet editor and submitted in the text after the first reference to the table with its number, Times New Roman 10 pt. If there are several tables (not more than 3), each must have a serial number (without the № sign and without a name). The designation "Table 1" is printed on the left above the table in bold 10 pt.

The list of numbered literature sources (in two languages - Ukrainian and English) to which the author refers is drawn up in accordance with the Ukrainian standard of bibliographic description (DSTU 8302: 2015: Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation. Kyiv, 2016). Each source is from a paragraph, font – Times New Roman 10 pt. In the text, the cited source is indicated in square brackets by a number corresponding to its number in the bibliography. Reduction of the names of cited sources and the number of authors is not expected. References to unpublished and unfinished works are not allowed.

Transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet into Latin is performed in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 55 of 27.01.2010.

Examples of references to literature sources

Articles submitted in violation of these requirements are returned to the author without consideration. The date of its receipt by the editors will be the date of re-receipt of the article, prepared in accordance with the above requirements.

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