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two-stage DC-DC converter
soft- switching
separated commutation двузвенный преобразователь
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How to Cite

Ивахно , В., Замаруев , В. and Стысло , .Б. 2014. ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SWITCHING LOSSES REDUCING IN OF TWO-STAGE DC-DC CONVERTERS WITH SEPARATED COMMUTATION. Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika. 4 (Jun. 2014), 084.


To reduce switching losses in two-stage DC-DC converters with relatively high input and relatively low output voltages multipurpose solution is proposed. In conjunction with using of an algorithm that implements the separated commutation, in primary stage is used current-source inverter based on IGBTs with series diodes, and in the secondary stage - voltage-source inverter based on switches without current tail, for example, MOSFETs. The processes in the converter, in which the primary stage switches are turned off in the zero current switching mode and the secondary stage switches are turned on in the zero voltage switching mode are described. Substantiated that when in the converter's primary stage the voltage-source inverter based on IGBTs is used, because of the current tail effect the turn[1]off power losses under capacitance-snubber-turn-off switching mode is no less than about 50% of the losses under hard turn-off switching mode. Proposed solution is free from this one. References 6, figures 2.

ARTICLE_28_PDF (Українська)


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