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electromechanical transmission
agricultural machines
modeling електромеханічна трансмісія
сільськогосподарська техніка

How to Cite

Третяк, М. 2013. UNIVERSAL MODEL OF HYBRID VEHICLE FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES. Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika. 3 (Apr. 2013), 057.


The paper discusses the possibility of investigating electromagnetic processes in elektromehanity transmission during tillage using a universal model of the machine-tractor unit. Were modeled different types of traction electric cars and a comparative analysis of a range of co-fluctuation momentum ICE, its power and specific fuel consumption elektrotransmisiyi relatively mechanical-term transfer. On the basis of universal model elektrotransmisiyi built model cars and tractor aggregation that with the combined power supply and the positive effect of using charger energy (battery). A comparison of simulation results with experimental data and confirmed the adequacy of the modeling results. References 4, tables 4, figures 4.

ARTICLE_8_PDF (Українська)


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